Upgrading, Enhancing and Extending the DEA Website (eapdeagov.in) for Implementation of Document Log and Mission Clearance

Project Overview

The Department for Economic Affairs of India (DEA), Ministry of Finance, and Government of India has successfully developed, implemented and operationalized a web-based application, EAPDEA to meet project preparatory and implementation requirements and mission cycle requirements under externally funded project. The website has been developed by TSCPL who were selected through the competitive bidding process followed by ADB. DEA has expressed satisfaction with the development of the website, and has directed that it should be the front end for all loan agencies. Hence, In the current phase World Bank (WB) has decided to implement two modules of the EAPDEA website, Mission Clearances (MC) and Document Log (DL). The operational process of ADB and World Bank is different from each other and customization would ensure the requisite requirements of World Bank are available in the application. The WB in consultation with DEA requires the following feature upgrades and enhancements to be implemented by Total Synergy Consulting Private Ltd (TSCPL).

Upgrading, Enhancing and Extending the DEA Website (eapdeagov.in) for Implementation of Document Log and Mission Clearance