We have worked with national and state government agencies (as well as quasi-state utilities) to build capacity and strengthen financial performance in the following areas;
Our team of consultants has extensive expertise in this area, including:
According to our experience, access to financial services for micro, small and medium enterprises and the poor has been a key to poverty reduction and growth in developing countries which has prompted the development of international and national strategies on financial inclusion as well as the widespread introduction of microfinance programs and products.
We have assisted in the development of relevant laws and regulations based on international good practice, including in the areas of consumer protection, prudential regulation, and laws relating to the financial infrastructure needed for financial inclusion (such as laws relating to credit bureaus, secured asset registries, and licensing and regulation of financial institutions). Further, we have facilitated the development of global good practice regulatory principles designed to enhance access to financial services.
TSCPL has experience in designing supervisory and regulatory structures and as well as capacity building of local technical service providers to provide ongoing assistance to microfinance institutions, and developing structures to support these local organizations over time. We have helped design systems for the transformation of unregulated MFIs to regulated institutions.