Technical Assistance for Support to City of Kigali to Support Masterplan Review

Project Overview

Technical assistance (TA), by way of an individual consultant, is being sought to support the City of Kigali (CoK) to ensure that the revised Masterplan aligns with its strategic objectives, as well as responds to requirements arising through stakeholder engagement. The Masterplan is now 5 years old and there is an intention to ensure that, whilst aspirational, it is cognizant of present social and economic realities of Rwanda.

The present review is the third iteration in a series of urban planning refinements which commenced with a “Conceptual Masterplan” in 2005, detailed district and CBD plans in 2008 and the comprehensive Kigali Masterplan in 2013. Over the last 5 years there have been several sectoral plans and strategies undertaken that require integration with, or review of the 2013 Masterplan. These have included a BRT Feasibility Study, a Wetland Master Plan, an Affordable Housing Demand Study, a Smart Rwanda Plan, National Investment Policy and Sector Strategic Plans, Secondary City Plans and the EPDRS 2 (Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy) and the National Strategy for Transformation amongst others.

As no logical framework was devised or indicators produced, to monitor the performance of the Masterplan against the above goals, it is difficult to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of the Masterplan. In reviewing the 2013 Masterplan, the Government of Rwanda (GoR) is keen to do more to harness urbanisation to stimulate economic development and social integration.

Technical Assistance for Support to City of Kigali to Support Masterplan Review