Support to Pro–Poor Tourism Development Projects and Urban Revitalisation initiatives in India (Uttar Pradesh & Bihar)

Project Overview

The WB is currently supporting the development of a series of technical assistances (TAs) and projects focused on pro-poor/inclusive tourism development and urban revitalization with a view to: Improve the living standards and quality of life of India’s historic cities; Enhance the management of the state’s tourist destinations and the stewardship of their natural and cultural assets as endogenous sources of inclusive and sustainable growth; Increase linkages and related local benefits through income generation opportunities and basic service provision to some of the poorest communities living in heritage rich, but lagging tourist areas; Enable private sector development and entrepreneurship, especially amongst the youth and women. The Consultant’s role is to support the design the projects and TAs financed by the Bank in selected states and at GoI level. This includes – researching the policy, institutional and human capacity as well as major initiatives and sources of financing related to tourism development in project states; profiling of the tourism circuits and destinations to be supported under the project covering its socio-economic-demographic and cultural aspects, history, available infrastructure and services; profiling the tourists – market, number and classification of tourists, services, accommodation, travel arrangements, number and type of tourist sites visited, main attractions, etc.; Stakeholder mapping for identifying the key stakeholders and agencies involved in tourism development and their specific roles and mandates as well as ongoing schemes and projects and future schemes/projects in each destination; and preparation of the Project Preparation Report (PPR) and project budget.

Support to Pro–Poor Tourism Development Projects and Urban Revitalisation initiatives in India (Uttar Pradesh & Bihar)