Project Management Consultancy for Multi Sector Project for Infrastructure Rehabilitation in Jammu and Kashmir

Project Overview

The Multi-Sector Project for Infrastructure Rehabilitation in Jammu and Kashmir, targets the rehabilitation of existing infrastructure and utility facilities in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. The primary objective of the project is to rehabilitate essential infrastructure (roads, bridges, and water supply and drainage systems) in urban sector of Jammu & Srinagar cities and transport sectors in 14 districts of Jammu and Kashmir. The project is confined to priority rehabilitation needs with a focus to reduce maintenance expenditure and assess the deterioration of existing assets before a total reconstruction is required. Water supply and drainage system improvement is aimed at raising the quality of life of the urban populations in Srinagar and Jammu. Rehabilitation of roads and bridges in all 14 districts will improve rural connectivity and will boost trade within the State. Our services involved;

Technical Assessment; Preparation of an ICT Master Plan and ICT system architecture for the Project Management Unit, provide recommendations for Business Process Reengineering of PMU’s systems and procedures and how to use ICT for improving the organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

RFP Development: Providedtechnical assistance for identification, specifications, procurement and operationalisation of computer hardware, software, training and data management services.

Monitoring & Evaluation: Implemented a Project Management Information System for tracking the entire projects financial, physical and temporal progress.

Project Management Consultancy for Multi Sector Project for Infrastructure Rehabilitation in Jammu and Kashmir