Project Overview
The project provides Government of Madhya Pradesh with approximately £41 million funding from DFID for a duration from 2006-2011 and aims to develop inclusive urban planning and governance including better tax administration in the urban sector in Madhya Pradesh and resources reserved for pro-poor expenditure to provide adequate basic services to the weaker sections of the society. In collaboration with the partners and government our role was mainly to provide expertise in Municipal Governance, Organizational Development; Information Technology, Social and Community Development; Capacity Building and training; as well as overall project management. Our specific roles included;
- Assessment: The Policy focus would aim to leverage and build on other infrastructure programs, explicitly considers the incentives built into new and existing policy for (or against) change.
- Pro-Poor Services: Carry out surveys and management to develop pro-poor MIS systems. Ensure ULB poverty cells are staffed with engineers appointed only for this work. Conducted sample household surveys identifying the socio-economic conditions of the citizens of various ULB’s. The project aimed to improve livelihood opportunity by providing them improved access to finance by imparting those Financial Literacy skills. It involved designing and implementing a series of initiatives in order to improve the access to finance for the poorest section of the society.
- MIS and Database / Information Technology – TSCPL provided the guidance and direction to build the first ever comprehensive Municipal Administration System (MAS), an SAP based ERP system providing a comprehensive e-governance based system which is piloted at Bhopal Municipal Corporation and aimed to be rolled out in other cities. Apart from this, TSCPL led efforts to computerize covered municipal corporations by providing them hardware and infrastructure, software and training to ensure better utilization of systems. TSCPL prepared the Requirements Specification (SRS), Terms of Reference (ToR) and managed the bidding process as a Bid Manager for the aspects under e-governance. TSCPL is providing guidance to the Vendor for project execution and assists the client and the Vendor in ensuring that the best possible systems are in place.
- Organizational Development & Capacity Building: TSCPL provided guidance and expertise in areas of the program management and developed guidelines for organisational development, business process re-engineering and capacity building for the municipal corporations involved in the project to allow easy transitions into use of the new systems and initiatives implemented. TSCPL assisted in establishment of Performance Management System, KPI’s and KRA’s and Training. Main focus areas of capacity building are technical assistance, training & imparting skills, staff support and systems and equipment support.
- Participatory and Citizen Centric Development: Supporting improved services through assisting in establishment of Citizen Service Centres, support in creation of ULB and state level websites, assisting in setting up public grievance re adressal system and help-desks.
- Municipal Engineering and Slum Infrastructure Development: TSCPL’s provides guidance on comprehensive development of slum infrastructure by provided aid including facilities as roads, water supply, and sanitation and community mobilization. TSCPL assisted in setting up various committees for slum development and monitored infrastructure development as Roads, laying of water lines, laying of sewer lines, street-light provision, facilitating legal electricity connections, etc. Supporting ULB’s in GIS Based slum information systems, develop criteria for slums notification and de-notification.