The project aims to provide an improved urban environment, equitable access to municipal services, and more effective municipal management in the city. The project feasibility study identified the need for wider capacity building in Kolkata Municipal Corporation and proposed a Capacity Building Programme under the project. The Corporation adopted a vision to develop into ‘an efficient, effective, equitable, citizen responsive, financially sustainable and transparent organization, delivering quality service to its citizens’. Our services involved;
Technical Assessment: Inception Phase Consultancy for preparing the IT strategy and the roadmap for its implementation and broad level design of the complete computerization of Kolkata Municipal Corporation which included setting up of MIS and GIS for all departments. The project once commissioned would involve developing and implementing a fully integrated computerized system for over 26 departments, 100 project locations and covering about 42,000 employees of the corporation.
RFP Development: Development the broad level design for a comprehensive Municipal Management Information System which is to be used by the corporation for meeting all its functional and departmental needs.
Change Management: Business Process Re-engineering for the corporation operations
Capacity Building: Developed a training plan for the capacity building of the corporation’s personnel with regard to the computerization and implementation of MIS.