The objective of the project is to assist the Government of Assam in reducing the digital divide by expanding the ASWAN for e-governance delivery; improving ICT accessibility and developing e-governance applications in accordance with the roadmap to be identified by the e-government master plan; improving and expanding ICT accessibility from legal, regulatory, and institutional perspectives; and enhancing the institutional capacity and human resource capacity for managing ICT infrastructure and operating e-governance applications. The focus technology for expanding ICT accessibility is BPL (Broadband over Power Lines). Our Services involved;
Technical Assessment: Meetings with key stakeholders, working out operational details and roles agreement for installation work; Identification of various categories of users (residential, commercial;, industrial, govt, educational, trade bodies, etc.); Identification of actual users for each category; Identifying technology options.
RFP Development: Prepared the RFP for selection of partner
Program Management: Methodology followed for execution of Pilot project; Project Management support; assistance in Installation & testing; Maps and DTR details of selected users where installation has to be done; Installation of monitoring software at AMTRON data center / servers; testing procedures
Change Management: Documenting Overall benefit for Government of Assam
Capacity Building: Assessment of Training needs and recommendations on Capacity building measures for Government of Assam personnel
Monitoring & Evaluation: Measuring result of project implementation. Key parameters for monitoring this network; documenting benefits for each category of users