Project Overview
The project was one of India’s the leading urban sector projects designed to improve access to appropriate and sustainable services for the poor in 32 class I towns in Andhra Pradesh. The project focussed on municipal reform in the 32 class towns in Andhra Pradesh, improved environmental infrastructure for slums; and works with civil society in order to improve needs assessments, advocacy and policy analysis.The Project incorporated a challenge fund mechanism to provide strong performance incentives within the project framework to ensure that infrastructure provision is linked to comprehensive municipal reform initiatives including improved revenue mobilization, financial management, institutional development and pro poor service delivery. In collaboration with our lead partner, our services included;
- Technical Assessment: Determining IT / MIS / GIS requirements for the entire project;
- RFP Development: Preparing Terms of Reference for appointing agencies for creating the GIS/MIS/IT and periodical monitoring of the progress and quality of the work of the agency and help in resolving technical problems; Preparing specifications for purchasing the necessary computer equipment and supplies;
- Bid Process Management: Selection of appropriate commercially available software for routine monitoring activities
- Program Management: Implementing realistic time-bound Management Action Plans for e-governance; IT/MIS Developing Town Base Maps, Infrastructure Mapping & GIS; Developing reporting formats for capital works programs and developing appropriate application programs for routine monitoring and reporting; Developed a Project Management Information System for keeping track of project funds and contracts and for monitoring the project progress, in 32 class one towns covered by APUSP.
- Change Management: Advising and assisting the state government in developing and implementing a common Municipal Administration System in all 107 Urban Local Bodies.