Sanjay has nearly 30 years of international experience in the development sector. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce, is a fellow member of Cost and Management Accountants of India and holds advanced diplomas in Information Technology and Urban Development. His work has spanned four thematic areas – Governance, e-Governance, Public Financial Management (PFM) and Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E). He has applied this subject matter expertise across a range of diverse sectors such as Urban Development, Tourism Development, Rural Development, Infrastructure Development, Water and Sanitation, Skills Development, Education, Health, etc. He has worked extensively with multilateral international development agencies such as – The World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), African Development Bank, UNDP, UNOPS, UNICEF, etc. and leading bilateral such as DFID / UK Aid, Swiss Aid, Giza, DFAT, etc. He has worked with National, State / Provincial and Local Governments and public sector / regulatory authorities, in several countries. Over the years Sanjay has also conducted numerous training workshops for over three thousand senior and middle level executives, professionals and academicians. Sanjay has published more than 145 books which are prescribed as course material by over 700 leading universities and training institutes in over 12 countries. Sanjay provides extensive guidance and leadership to the TSCPL team and plays a direct role in all projects implemented making himself available to clients at all times.