Project Management Consultancy for Indore Development Authority for Procurement of ERP

Project Overview

The Project aimed to provide technical assistance in project management and implementation support and build overall capacity of the institution to carry out IT-based, technology-based and automation projects. Our services included;

  • Technical Assessment: Conducted study on existing systems and processes of Indore Development Authority, Conducted desk research on national and international best practices in the sector and on technology; Conducted a detailed requirements assessment from a solutions perspective
  • Bid Process Management: Design Terms of References, EoIs and RFP documents,Promoted wide circulation of bidding documents and manage the overall bidding and contract award process
  • Program Management and Monitoring: Overall monitoring and quality assurance of the work carried out and in ensuring that timelines are met
  • Change Management: Operationalise a Change Management strategy to sensitize employees of the organization to move towards a computer friendly approach including providing funding for Laptops for employees; personal coaching; assisting in day to day operations for their work.
  • Capacity Building and Training: Conducted a Basic Training Needs Assessment Survey for all employees at IDA and prepared a Training Plan; Prepared documents to hire a Training Partner.

Project Management Consultancy for Indore Development Authority for Procurement of ERP